Monday, February 3, 2014

Un garçon ou une fille?

  Bounjour! Comment allez-vous?
    In chapter 3 of Countries and Concepts by Michael G. Roskin France is discussed. One of the many topics of France in this chapter is France's education problems.  In 1958 the Socialist government decided to begin an ambitious plan to graduate 80 percent of the youth, which included technical and vocational options to form the skilled labor and force a modern economy needs. Public lycées now are over crowded with dilapidated buildings and dealing with crime. Middle-class parents now are preferring private lycées to send their children. Protests have been made by the youth to shake up the government to do something for the youth. In this chapter, education problems are stressed immensely. France has a huge issue with its education.
   I found an article on what is currently going on now with France's education. Apparently, thousands of French parents are furious and did not let their children go to school last monday because of the new theory that is being taught to little children at schools. This theory, "the gender theory", teaches pupils that they could choose their own sexual identity. The government now is being protested for passing this theory to be taught in schools. Parents are furious and are not letting this go. This theory is being taught in the first place because of the new gender equality law that parliament passed. All that is left to do by the world is to look closely what the French government decides to do about this law and theory.


  1. It's a little absurd to let your children miss a day of class because of something you don't believe in. I understand that some parents do not want their children exposed to that but even if they're trying to protect the children there is nothing to protect against. they will ultimately be exposed to it and have to learn about it on their own. I don't understand why parents let their own beliefs, cloud their judgment and do not let their kids go to school.

  2. I agree with Melissa, it is a weird that parents are not letting their children go to class that day. Soon or later the children will learn what it is and will have their own thoughts on it as well.
